About ToxSec


My name is Chris, and I am the proud founder of ToxSec, an website dedicated to cybersecurity. My expertise lies primarily in offensive operations within the realm of cybersecurity, a field I’ve passionately dedicated myself to since 2018.

In my professional journey, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with esteemed institutions like the Department of Defense and prominent defense contractors, including The Boeing Company. My passion lies deeply within offensive cybersecurity. Working alongside these distinguished establishments has not only enriched my knowledge but has also provided unparalleled opportunities to hone and apply my skills in ways that would have been challenging elsewhere.

In terms of formal education, I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering from Arizona State University, conferred in 2018. Subsequently, I further honed my skills by obtaining a Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity Engineering from the University of Washington in 2020.

Beyond academia, I have the honor of serving as a veteran of the United States Marine Corps (USMC). This experience instilled in me a profound sense of discipline, teamwork, and the importance of safeguarding sensitive information.

I firmly believe in continuous learning and refinement of one’s skills. To this end, I actively participate in Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions, ensuring that I remain at the forefront of emerging cyber threats.

Outside the world of cybersecurity, I am deeply fascinated by the universe of cryptocurrency and am an avid enthusiast of its potential and intricacies.

The driving force behind the establishment of ToxSec was to enrich the community by providing free educational resources. My vision is to empower individuals by facilitating their journey in mastering the art of cybersecurity.

I am always open to discussions, collaborations, or any queries you might have. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. For a more holistic view of my work and affiliations, I invite you to connect with me on various platforms, which are listed below.

Warm regards,


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